Drunk Driving

Average fatal car accidents by BAC, gender, and locale.
Heatmaps, stacked bar charts, and chloropleth.

Ebola Pandemic

Spread of the ebola disease at the global scale.
Symbol map, line graph, bullet chart, bubble graph.

Gender and Mobile Use

Growth or decline in device ownership amongst Americans over the course of 4 years.
Horizontal bar chart.

Internet Access Gap

Internet access in the United States by disability and poverty.
Chloropleths, box plots.

Kickstarter Project

Exploration of categories of Kickstarter projects and their success rates.
Sunburst chart, treemap.

Life Expectancy

Percentage of a country's GDP spent on healthcare.
Chloropleth, bubble chart.

Popular Flight Routes

The most popular flight routes in the United States
Symbol map, heatmap.

Satellite Data

Exploration of categories of Kickstarter projects and their success rates.
Chord graph, bar charts.

Space Probes

Size of space probe orbits around planets in the Solar System.
Orbit radius.

Student Admissions

Comparison of student-reported admission rate to college admission rate.
Matrix scatterplot.

Titanic Survival

Survival rate of the Titanic incident vs. fees paid.
Stacked scatterplot.

America In The Air

Mapping of air routes from 1990 to 2014.
Bubble plot, bar chart, route visualization

Which U.S. City Should You Live In?

Population preferences survey.
Word scaling plot.

Winning Percentages Of Chess Openings

Chess move probabilities.
Sunburst plot, stacked bar charts, chessboard.

Countries, Calories, and Life Expectancy

Relationship between countries, calories consumed, and life expectancy.
Sparklines, time-series plot.

Spread of Diseases in America

Disease spread simulation.
Route visualization.

Game of Thrones

Death toll and allegiances by gender.
Chord diagram.

Holiday Frequency

Popularity of holidays and relationship with life expectancy.
Calendar heatmap, scatterplot, chloropleth.

Measles in the Modern Era

Mortality and vaccination statistics.
Live counter, categorical plot, bubble plot, time-series plot.


Gameplay simulation.
Graphical representation of football field, bar chart.

NYC Traffic

Relationship between weather, potholes, traffic, and accidents.
Transit information, bubble plot.


Workforce representation by industry, occupation, and sector.
Horizontal bar charts, chloropleth.