[Hearst's Questions] This visualization makes important information visually salient. This visualization uses visual components appropriately. This visualization successfully presents multiple relevant facts in a single visual pattern. [Functionality] Correct use of relative URL paths. All elements work correctly without manipulation. The page loads in a reasonable amount of time. [Perception] I know which elements/properties have meaning and which do not. I immediately know how to interpret visual elements. I can accurately decode numeric values for variables. I can compare values of the same variable for different data points. Scales are selected appropriately for data types. [Special data points] Outliers are marked or handled appropriately. I can identify interesting examples (outliers, typical cases). [Focus and Depth] The project says something, it has a clear argument. I am able to test/confirm the assertions of the project's argument. I can formulate and test my own argument. [Data] I understand the cultural context of the data. Data was collected ethically. Data is of manageable complexity: neither trivial nor overwhelming. [Lasting effect] I learned something. The work is original, unexpected, or surprising. I want to know more about how the creators made the project. [Specific scales] Position scales: The meaning of x and y positions is clear. Transformations (log, sqrt) are used appropriately and clearly marked. Datapoints are distinguishable; overplotting is addressed effectively. Size scales: The relationship between area and the underlying data value is clear. Area scales are based at zero. Area changes proportional to data values. Color scales: Categorical color values are easy to distinguish (no more than seven). Continuous color values enable meaningful comparisons. Ordinal color values reflect meaningful divisions between levels of a variable. Bar and Pie charts: Each segment is clearly distinguishable. I can make accurate comparisons based on relative positions. Networks: I can follow individual paths. Links are not overwhelming. Maps: The projection is accurate and informative. Density of information is balanced with land area: Panama/Qatar vs. Russia/Brazil.