INFO/CS 3300; INFO 5100 - Data-driven Web Pages

Look for information on the Course website. If you haven't yet, sign up for Piazza.

January 25: Welcome! Notes
January 27: Javascript types Prompt Notes
January 30: Javascript Prompt Notes
February 1: SVG Prompt Notes
February 3: d3 Prompt Notes
February 6: d3 scales Prompt Notes
February 8: Loading data, More d3 scales Prompt Notes
February 10: d3 scales, axes Prompt Notes
February 13: d3 data join, line plots Prompt Notes
February 15: d3 maps, projections Prompt Notes
February 22: d3 maps, choropleths Prompt Notes
February 24: Perception and usability Prompt Notes
February 27: Histograms, Poissons, Basketball Prompt
March 1: Evaluating projects Prompt
March 3: Colors! We will have a special guest lecture. Notes (large PDF file)
March 6: Bring your prototype to school day Be ready to show your nearly completed work.
March 8: Crime wave? Prompt Notes
March 10: Linear models, loss functions, interaction Prompt Notes
March 13: Linear models, least squares Prompt Notes
March 15: Snow day! Codepen examples of CSS snow
March 17: Project presentations Projects in order
March 20: Linear regression; Data integration Prompt Notes
March 22: Gradient updates for linear regression Prompt
March 24: Naive Bayes, Computational Stylometry Prompt
March 27: Clustering from fake data Prompt
March 29: Can we break k-means? Prompt
March 31: Dragon Dragon Dragon! (k-means on real data, distances, and Voronoi tesselation) Prompt
April 10: Cosine similarity, LSH Prompt
April 12: The bootstrap Prompt Notes
April 14: Randomization and Permutations Prompt Notes
April 17: Raster graphics, large scale data Prompt Notes
April 21: Perceptron! Prompt Notes
April 24: Design and composition
April 26: Linear algebra Prompt Notes
April 28: Multi-dimensional Scaling Prompt
May 1: Force layouts Prompt Notes
May 3: Networks Prompt
May 5: 3D for d3 Prompt
May 8: Project showcase Schedule
May 10: Summary